Saturday, March 7, 2009

Movie Review/Report Thingy: Slumdog Millionaire

I am being forced to write a review/report thing on any movie I see or I will never be able to watch a movie again. Yippee. Here I go:
A: Bad
B: Good
D:One of the Best Movies Ever Created

D is my final answer.
If you haven't seen it then stop what you are doing and go. In case you don't know Slumdog Millionaire is the story of a boy,Jamal, who grows up in the slums of India and goes onto a game show. The game show: who wants to be a millionaire as you probably know is a show where you answer a lot of hard questions and you get money. He makes alot of money but he's no genius. The entire movie is him explaining his life experiences which answer the questions on the game show. The rest I won't spoil.

Jamal is played by an English boy named Dev Patel. He played Anwar in a great show called Skins. It cracks me up, moving on. There is not very much to say about his acting. That does not nessecarily mean it was bad but it was not easy to explain. I can just say it was good. No explanation.
The reason why it is rated R is because it is violent and quite gruesome. It can be a little bit ugly and I was not fond of those bits but other than that i loved it.
This movie has the best music ever written. A.R Rahman is a genius. Never in my life have I heard better music in a movie. It won best song and best score. I loved the songs O'Saya and Jai Ho.
I give it 9.9 out of 10. Reason:that .1 was subtracted because it is not for kids. 10 out of 10 is for movies for everyone.

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